Impact your community. Impact your life.

helping you reach

the clients who need you

  • Marketing

    Attracting aligned clients you know you can support with ease and impact is an art form. At BBB we help give you the tools to hone who you serve, how to deliver your message in meaningful ways, and speak directly to those you can offer massive care. Stand out and call in your community through essential marketing and value strategies. With our method you'll leave with a whole calendar-year plan & a tap-line of aligned client leads at your will.

  • Client Success

    Supporting a clients journey to wellness is deeply rewarding win-win, and sometimes it's no easy feat to build a relationship of trust and accountability. Guiding a client to make choices, show and up and participate in their healing process might take some encouragement. Here at BBB we will support you in crafting your ideal offer, how to package a care-plan and optimize your therapeutic time with your clients to enhance their experience & results.

  • Business Management

    Building a business is a spiritual act. It's an entrepreneurial extension of how we relate in the world. And to ground our creation into viable growth, we can develop systems to track key performance indicators, (KPI), lifetime value (LTV), cost per acquisition (CPA), among others. BBB will assist your business through vital strategies that reveal where the growth is occurring, where it is bottle-necking and how to scale.

Over the course of 12 weeks in Bodywork Business Builder, you will experience a communal environment with colleagues in which to connect, learn and grow your bodywork business.

Delivered in an easy to follow online course you will find digestible and downloadable content to workshop specifics: to customize your marketing to speak to your ideal clients, streamline a process that will produce long-time clients, and build business strategies to track, systemize and scale.

Coupled with the online course is live group mentorship calls where we will dive into nuances of the course content and establish how to apply your new business skills immediately.

One live workshop held monthly is designed to give the space to explore and experience new concepts amongst your peers, in a safe, fun and encouraging learning environment. Facilitating a dynamic, applicable atmosphere to expand our growth edges while creating a reliable sense of comaraderie.

what’s included

12 Weeks - Online Modular Content

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6 - Group Mentorship Calls

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3 - Live Marketing Workshops

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3 - 1:1 Mentorship Coach Calls

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+ 2 Bonus Workbooks!

What You Can Expect.

Community & Accountability

  • 1.5 hours biweekly calls

  • 1:1 monthly mentorship call

  • weekly office hours just for you!

Business Builder Course

  • 12 weeks of online modules

  • follow at your own time, own pace

  • approximately 1.5-2 hours per week

Live Experiential Workshops

  • 3 hour experiential marketing activities

  • dynamic environment to practice

  • peer-to-peer feedback & support

bonus workbooks

These workbooks are designed to illuminate your ideal, aligned business into a living work of art. Practical applications that shape vision into action, these digital books are relevant for a lifetime.

Dates of Dedication

  • Group Mentorship Calls

    Tuesdays | 12:30pm - 2pm

    October 1st, 15th, 29th

    November 12th, 26th

    December 10th

  • Live Experiential Workshops

    Saturdays | 11am - 2pm

    October 5th

    November 2nd

    December 14th

  • Office Hours + 1:1 Calls

    Tuesdays | 12:30pm - 2pm

    October 8th, 22nd

    November 5th, 19th

    December 3rd, 17th

attract & serve your aligned audience.

Every body deserves bodywork.

And when we align to who we can serve the best, they receive the best we offer.

Build your business with your best in mind and serve, scale and systemize in ease.

Simplify and Maximize

Your Service.