Somatic Experiencing® (SE) is a body-based approach to healing trauma.

Do you experience physical, emotional or mental patterns that present chronically?

Chronic expressions of the mindbody can be communications of dysregulation, or lack of regulation within the body.

SE is a gentle, collaborative body-based process to restore balance in our regulation faculties.

Why would I experience dysregulation?

Dysregulation is often a result of stress and trauma.

Our bodies are incredible supporting us in our society, and the stressors and exposures we experience can be overwhelming; too much, too soon, or too long and / or under-supported; too little for too long, or lack of access.

To keep us safe in the exposures of stress and trauma, our bodies implore self-protective responses, familiarly know as: fight, flight and freeze.

Animals contain these same responses in nature, yet what differentiates humans, is our reasoning center. We can override these charged states of fight, flight or freeze, inhibiting our primal protective responses. This thwarting of our bodies natural processes generates feedback loops within the system.

SE works to discharge these chemically charged energies, slowly, in a gentle and metabolized manner. This gradual approach supports the return of physical, mental and emotional homeostasis, enhancing our capacities, in an integrative, and rhythmic cadence..

how does somatic experiencing work?

SE is centered around the bodies inherent wisdom, and encourages access of thwarted protective responses inhibited during overwhelming circumstances, to experience resolution and completion.

It helps facilitate this resolve by supporting our ability to witness and identify how our body communicates with us, learn tools for self and co-regulation, and find ways to process what the mindbody is expressing and seeking.

This restoration in the nervous system supports a greater energetic capacity and efficiency, allowing for more ease and vitality to move through a rich and full life.

somatic meditation

Experience a body-based meditation that supports gentle presence & integration of emotions moving through you.

This meditation can be helpful for grounding and assimilating overwhelm or emotions that may feel big or challenging to be with.

Find a comfortable space to sit or lay down without distractions, if at all possible and allow a few minutes to be with breath and body. Take this as slow and soft as needed. Less is best.

Not sure what you need? Have questions?

Reach out today.