Therapeutic Bodywork


optimize function & relieve pain

Injury have you down from doing what you love?

Have a chronic concern that continues to hang around?

With over 20 years in massage and movement therapy,

and as a professional educator on orthopedic injuries and conditions,

we can support your journey to optimal performance.

Sessions tailored to your needs.

At Medisoma, your experience matters.

A quality assessment equals quality results.

Our manual therapy sessions include assessment, hands-on work,

movement re-education & pain management strategies to get you where you are going.

what you can expect in your session

Orthopedic Assessment

Manual & Movement Therapy

Pain Management Education


Manual Therapy Add-Ons are always inclusive within your service.

Receive what you need, with no extra costs.

  • analgesics

    Topical pain relievers reduce pain signals. We utilize specific analgesics per your condition and tissues effected.

  • cbd

    Anti-inflammatory; evidence supports reprieve of anxiety, depression, arthritis, chronic pain & neuropathy.

  • cupping

    Cupping may reduce inflammation & pain, yet evidence points to specific conditions. Ask your therapist to learn more.

  • gua sha

    Gua Sha, IATSM or “scraping” increases microcirculation to the tissues, promoting accelerated healing and reducing pain.

  • kt tape

    Kinesio Taping provides feedback to our nervous system how to physically support our tissues or structure.

  • thermal aide

    Temperature alters our pain perception. Heat & ice can effect swelling & inflammation when used appropriately.


  • Myofascial therapy is bodywork without lotion or oil, that connects smoothly with the tissues to communicate with the mindbody via the skin and nervous system.

  • ART is a 'pin and stretch' myofascial modality. It places tissues under low-load and utilizes movement to lengthen tissues, engaging proprioceptive feedback to reduce tension.

  • Structural Integration is a myofascial modality that organizes the body realtive to gravitational force. It is based in biomechanics, tensegrity and proprioceptive awareness.

    Learn more about the full 10 Series here.

  • Trigger Point is pinpoint pressure applied to specific locations within our tissues to interrupt contractile responses via the nervous system.

  • Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is an effective, evidence-based therapeutic stretching approach that helps to relax contracted tissues.

  • Trager is mobilizes joints passively to disrupt inhibition, bracing / holding patterns in the tissues and joints.

The above are therapeutic touch interventions utilized in our practice and commonly found in sports medicine practices to support the healing of stress and trauma to tissues.

As a certified massage therapist and structural integrationist trained in orthopedic & sports massage we are not allowed to diagnose or perform joint manipulations.


  • Bodywork is a broad term in the field of health that speaks to a myriad of modalities that effect the bodies state of wellness. While this includes manual touch therapies, it is also inclusive of sound healing, hydrotherapies and subtle energy works.

    A generally loose distinction viewed by many between massage and bodywork is the use of oil. Manual bodyworks are often more intended towards therapeutic interventions of a variety of bodily systems such as connective tissue, nervous system and muscle. Massage is often intended towards relaxation of the nervous system.

    If you’re curious about the difference between the two, check out our blog here. You may receive a deeper understanding of when which modality may be most supportive.

  • Sessions at Medisoma include:

    • verbal and physical assessment: which may / may not include palpation, movement, gait anaylsis

    • manual hands on time: on a bodywork table or chair

    • add on’s of choice (your practitioner can inform you what may be most supportive)

    • client-directed care (meaning you inform the practitioner of what is working / not working for your system!)

    • optional trauma-informed somatic dialogue to enhance mindbody connection

    • post-session suggestions: may include movement, thermal therapies, topical analgesics, taping protocols, nutritional / herbal suggestions

  • It is recommended to bring / wear a pair of loose fitted or biker shorts and a comfortable sports bra. This allows for a quality structural and functional assessment.

    There is a private restroom in our suite if you need to change clothes at arrival.

  • Yes! Movement is the opposite site to the manual therapy coin. Whereas touch therapy inhibits, or relaxes tissues, movement therapy activates, or excites tissues. To facilitate balanced connectivity within a human system both are incredibly effective!

    All of our sessions include movement after manual therapy is complete. These exercises are designed to be practical and easily applicable, with only 1-2 take home suggestions.

    If you want a progressive movement plan, whether to prepare for surgery, recover from injury or build towards physical movement goals - reach out on our ‘connect’ page. Customizing movement plans for prehab, rehab or strength training is our jam!

  • Yes! We utilize gait analysis and movement assessment as relative per your current state and needs.

    This is included in your assessment portion of your sesssion and may be revisted during or post-session to see how the body responds to session stimulus.

  • We can offer details session notes for your insurance carrier if they have pre-approved reimbursement.

    We also accept FSA and HSA cards.