mayan abdominal

care for your core

Our core; our abdomen, organs, pelvic floor - are central to our well-being.

Ancestors of many indigenous traditions recognized this, and now;

current research science showcases incredible insights about the nature of our bellies.

From neural-networks as large as our brain, to vast felt-sensorial skills,

the reality of “gut instincts,” has much wisdom to be embodied.

Pelvic wellness at Medisoma supports the entirety of the abdominal cavity;

meaning the digestive, reproductive and urinary organs, as well as muscles of the

diaphragm, pelvic floor, hips, low back - even the jaw and tongue!

Modalities offered address physical, emotional and spiritual discomforts through

manual & movement therapies, herbal remedies, nutrition, breathwork and Kambo.

These aide our bellies by promoting circulation of blood, lymph and breath,

nerve function and the fluidity of our tissue health.

what is included

  • womb bodywork

    Abdominal bodywork to support uterine, bladder, digestive, respiratory, and pelvic health.
    All genders welcome.

  • nutrition & herbs

    Nutrition and herbs support our reproductive wellness; such as painful or irregular cycles, cysts & fibroids, and peri/menopause.

  • movement

    Supporting mobility & stability of ligaments, muscles and structures from foot to crown reduces pain while increasing a sense of center.

  • breathwork

    Breath is vital for pelvic and reproductive wellness as the diaphragm relates to the organs, pelvic floor and core muscles.


  • Mayan Abdominal Therapy postively supports the following:

    - pelvic pain

    - uterus placement

    - irregular menstrual cycle

    - painful breast tissue

    - abdominal scar tissue

    - uterine cysts

    - uterine fibroids

    - painful sex

    - pelvic floor issues

    - incontinence

    - post-birth homeostasis

    - cesarean

    - rectus diastasis

    - prolapsed organs

    - abdominal hernias

    - digestion issues

    - neck & jaw pain

  • How are tissues all communicate can be impacted by their placement and resulting tension. This may effect the uterus, diaphragm, pelvic floor and more. Structural components are just one factor that may influence your experience, and why at Medisoma we assess as one pillar of our approach.

    • painful periods

    • irregular periods or ovulation

    • dark, thick or brown fluids at beginning or end of menses

    • amenorrhea

    • headaches / dizziness with menses

    • premenstrual syndrome

    • premenstrual dysphporic disorder

    • endometriosis

    • uterine polyps

    • ovarian cysts

    • vaginitis / uterine infections

    • hormonal imbalances

    • difficult menopause

    • painful intercourse

    • infertility

    • recurring miscarriages

    • difficult pregnancy / delivery

    • low back aches

    • tired legs, sore heels, numb feet

    • varicose veins

    • chronic indigestion / heartburn

    • gastritis / constipation

    • frequent / painful urination

    • bladder infections

  • If you experience a menstrual cycle, you can come any time you are not actively bleeding.

    The work is benefical for those who have experienced a hysterectomy or receiving hormone therapies as it supports increased blood and lymphatic flow, which is vital for homeostasis.

  • We do, for a variety of the below expressions:

  • We offer bodywork six weeks postpartum. If you have any further questions specific to your health or birth, please email to inquire. We’re happy to connect.

  • We offer bodywork six weeks post-surgery. If you have any further questions specific to your health or birth, please email to inquire. We’re happy to connect.

  • Medisoma accepts HSA cards. We can also provide detailed notes for insurance reimbursement upon their approval of acceptance.