movement is medicine

Decades of recent research demonstrates that movement impacts our prevention of disease and reduces pain, while increasing our longevity and cognitive health.

A main focus for this movement research is variability.

Tissues, joints, nerves and totality of the body want the ability to access and experience variety.

By building tolerance through progressional exposure, in single, multi-joint & multi-planar movements, with / without load we increase the resiliency of our bodies and minds.

informed movement

At Medisoma, all movement explorations are centered around developing fluid & functional movement patterns.

No matter the modality, Movement Therapy references:


range of motion


mobility & stability

individuation & unification

within the human system to facilitate sustainable variability.

  • Traditional asanas, or postures, can lengthen and strengthen tissues, while supporting health joint range and stability. Support injury, recovery, chronic pain and movement goals with the inclusion of yoga postures as part of a warm up, cool down, or peak pose in a customized Movement Plan.

  • Mat Pilates, or ground-based, can support healthy stabilization dynamics of joints and tissues, while allowing to increase range of motion and mobility. Great for low back, hip, pelvic, knee, shoulder and neck pain or dysfunction. Support injury, recovery, chronic pain and movement goals with the inclusion of mat pilates as part of a warm up, cool down or workout in a customized Movement Plan.

  • Classical Somatics can enhance our bodies ability to access new patterns. It is the exploration of dominate dynamics that may effect immobility, injury and pain, and discovering alternate pathways that can be illuminated as options for the body, increasing access to choice. This fluid approach to movement can be explored therapeutically in session, and provided as take home care.

  • Corrective Exercise is an approach to supporting the synergistic relationships of tissues and joints. All of our movement plans incorporate this approach to support increased function and longevity.

  • Injury Prevention is designed to address areas of concern whether due to previous injuries or wear exposure through activity. Customizable into mini-routines, warm ups, workouts and cool downs, injury prevention helps to support joint mechanics to keep tissues healthy and resilient. Catered towards your body and daily lifestyle.

receive movement therapy

We offer Movement Therapy both in person and online.

Movement Therapy can be provided as an exclusive session for injuries, chronic pain, or recovery. It can also can be included in a variety of our sessions as requested:

Somatic Integration

Structural Integration

Mayan Abdominal Therapy

Please book a New Client Consultation if a first time client seeking Movement Therapy.